How to Deal with Ammonium Metatungstate Hydrate Leakage?

When ammonium metatungstate hydrate leaks, the following measures should be taken quickly to ensure personnel safety and environmental protection:

  1. Stop operation immediately

– Quickly cut off the source of leakage to prevent further expansion of leakage.

  1. Personnel evacuation and protection

– Immediately evacuate personnel in the vicinity of the leak area to ensure that they are away from the source of the leak.

– Evacuees should wear appropriate protective equipment such as protective clothing, gas masks, protective gloves and goggles to prevent direct contact with the leak.

  1. Spill Handling

– Small spills:

o Use adsorbents (e.g., activated carbon, sand, etc.) to quickly cover and absorb the spill.

o Collect the adsorbent that has adsorbed the spill and place it in a special container and label it as hazardous waste.

– Large Spills:

o Use a spill disposal kit or spill control equipment to limit the spread of the spill.

o If possible, dilute the spill using large quantities of water and direct the diluted wastewater into the wastewater treatment system.

  1. Prevent the spill from spreading

– Install cofferdams or other containment facilities to prevent the spill from spreading further into the environment.

– Avoid leakage into sewers, drainage systems or water sources.

  1. Emergency contact and report

– Immediately report the leakage to the superior department or emergency management department.

– Contact fire, first aid and environmental protection departments for professional assistance.

  1. Waste Disposal

– Dispose of collected wastes such as leakage and adsorbent in accordance with relevant regulations to avoid secondary pollution to the environment.

– Follow the requirements of local environmental protection departments and choose suitable waste treatment methods, such as chemical neutralization, solidification and stabilization.

  1. Follow-up treatment and assessment

– Thoroughly clean up the leakage area to ensure no residue.

– Summarize and evaluate the leakage accident, analyze the cause of the accident and deficiencies in the emergency treatment process, and propose improvement measures to prevent similar accidents from recurring.

  1. Cautions

– During the treatment process, safety operation procedures and chemical handling norms should be strictly observed.

– Ensure that the emergency response personnel have been professionally trained and have the appropriate emergency response capability and safety awareness.

– Maintain communication and collaboration with the emergency management department and other relevant departments to ensure smooth emergency handling.

Through the implementation of the above measures, the leakage accident of ammonium metatungstate hydrate can be dealt with effectively, minimizing personnel injury and environmental pollution.

More details of ammonium metatungstate product, please visit website:
Please contact CHINATUNGSTEN for inquiry and order of ammonium metatungstate:
Tel.: 86 592 5129595