What are the Chemical Analysis Methods of Ammonium Metatungstate?

The chemical analysis methods of Ammonium Metatungstate mainly include the testing of its composition, impurity content and physical properties. The following are some specific analytical methods and standards:


  1. Composition analysis

The main components of ammonium metatungstate are tungsten and ammonium, and the determination of its content is usually carried out by methods such as chemical titration or spectral analysis. For example, the content of tungsten in ammonium metatungstate can be determined by gravimetric method or volumetric method, while the content of ammonium can be determined by acid-base titration and other methods.


  1. Analysis of impurity content

Ammonium metatungstate may contain a variety of impurities, such as zinc, iron, copper and other metal ions as well as insoluble substances. The content of these impurities has an important influence on its quality and application performance, so it needs to be determined accurately.


  1. Determination of zinc

Zinc is one of the common impurities in ammonium metatungstate, and its content is usually determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. This method has the advantages of high sensitivity and good accuracy, and can accurately determine the zinc content in ammonium metatungstate. The specific determination method can refer to GB/T 23368.2-2009 “Ammonium metatungstate chemical analysis method Part 2: Determination of zinc amount Flame atomic absorption spectrometry” standard.


  1. Determination of water-insoluble substance

Water insoluble matter is another important impurity index in ammonium metatungstate, and its content directly affects the purity and application performance of the product. The determination of water-insoluble matter usually adopts the weighing method, i.e., a certain amount of ammonium metatungstate sample is dissolved in distilled water, and after filtration, washing, drying and other steps, the mass of the remaining insoluble matter is weighed, so as to calculate the content of water-insoluble matter. The specific determination method can refer to the relevant national standards or industry standards.


Third, physical property analysis

The physical properties of ammonium metatungstate, such as particle size, specific surface area and so on, also have an important influence on its application performance. The determination of these physical properties is usually carried out by laser particle size meter, specific surface area analyzer and other instruments.


Fourth, other analytical methods

In addition to the above methods, there are some other analytical methods can be used for the chemical analysis of ammonium metatungstate, such as X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (IR) and so on. These methods can provide information about crystal structure and chemical bonding of ammonium metatungstate, which can help to understand its properties and application characteristics.


  1. Precautions

In the chemical analysis of ammonium metatungstate, the following points need to be noted:

Choose suitable analytical methods and standards to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the determination results.

Carry out the experimental operation in strict accordance with the operating procedures to avoid the introduction of errors and interfering factors.

Reasonable processing and analysis of experimental data to draw scientific conclusions and judgments.


In conclusion, there are various methods for chemical analysis of ammonium metatungstate, which need to be analyzed according to the specific conditions and choose the appropriate method. At the same time, attention should be paid to the operation standardization and data processing in the experimental process to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the determination results.

More details of ammonium metatungstate product, please visit website: http://ammonium-metatungstate.com/
Please contact CHINATUNGSTEN for inquiry and order of ammonium metatungstate:
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