What Are the Applications of Tungsten Wire in the Aerospace Field?

Tungsten wire has a variety of important applications in the aerospace field, mainly relying on its high melting point, high density, corrosion resistance and mechanical strength. The following are the specific applications of tungsten wire in the aerospace field:

  1. Heat shielding in high temperature environments

Function: Tungsten wire is often used to make high-temperature resistant heat shields and thermal insulation layers. Aerospace vehicles will generate extremely high temperatures when entering the atmosphere or flying at high speeds. Heat shields made of tungsten wire can effectively protect internal equipment and personnel from high temperature damage.

Features: Due to the high melting point (3422°C) and low thermal expansion coefficient of tungsten, tungsten wire can maintain structural stability in high temperature environments and will not easily melt or deform.

  1. Conductive material

Function: In the aerospace field, tungsten wire is used as a conductive material, especially in situations where stable conductivity is required at high temperatures. For example, tungsten wire can be used in electrical heating elements or current leads in high temperature environments.

Features: The high resistance and oxidation resistance of tungsten wire enable it to reliably conduct current in extreme environments.

  1. High-temperature components in propulsion systems

Function: Tungsten wire is used to manufacture some high-temperature components in rocket engines and jet engines, such as thermocouples, igniters, and propellant nozzles. These components need to work at extreme temperatures, and tungsten’s high melting point and heat resistance make it an ideal material.

Features: Components made of tungsten wire can maintain their physical and chemical properties under high temperature conditions in the engine combustion chamber, ensuring reliable operation of the engine.

  1. Radiation shielding

Function: In space, spacecraft are exposed to strong radiation from the sun and the universe. The high density of tungsten makes it an ideal radiation shielding material for protecting sensitive electronic equipment and astronauts in spacecraft from harmful radiation.

Features: The shielding layer woven with tungsten wire can effectively block high-energy radiation such as X-rays and gamma rays, providing better protection for spacecraft.

  1. Composite reinforcement

Function: Tungsten wire can be used as a reinforcement material in composite materials, especially in applications that require high strength and high temperature resistance. For example, when manufacturing heat-resistant structural parts or high-strength composite materials, tungsten wire-reinforced composites can provide better mechanical properties.

Features: Tungsten wire reinforced composite materials have higher strength, rigidity and durability, and are suitable for key structural components of aerospace vehicles.

  1. High-density mass blocks in inertial systems

Function: In inertial navigation systems, tungsten wire or tungsten alloy blocks are used as high-density mass blocks to improve the sensitivity and accuracy of the system.

Features: Due to the high density of tungsten, mass blocks made of tungsten wire can provide higher inertia, thereby improving the stability and accuracy of the navigation system.

  1. Welding and spraying technology

Function: Tungsten wire is also used in high-temperature welding and thermal spraying technology in the aerospace field. Tungsten wire is used as an electrode material in high-temperature welding technologies such as tungsten inert gas welding (TIG) to ensure the stability and quality of welding.

Features: Tungsten wire electrodes have excellent high temperature resistance and corrosion resistance, are suitable for use in harsh environments, and can produce high-quality welded joints.

More details of tungsten wires, please visit website: http://tungsten.com.cn/tungsten-wires.html

Please contact CHINATUNGSTEN for inquiry and order of tungsten needles:

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