How to Prepare White Tungsten Oxide?

There are various methods to produce white tungsten oxide, mainly including the following:


  1. Solvent heat method

Basic Principle:

Solvent thermal method is a method of generating target products by heating reactants in a solvent to make them undergo chemical reaction. For the production of white tungsten oxide, solvent thermal method can control the reaction conditions (such as temperature, time, solvent type, etc.) to regulate the color, purity and crystal structure of the product.


Specific steps:

Disperse tungsten hexachloride in anhydrous n-butanol by ultrasonication, using a certain amount of anhydrous n-butanol (e.g. 150 ml) per gram of tungsten hexachloride.

During sonication, the sonication was stopped when the system changed from yellow to blue color.

Add sodium nitrate to the system, the amount of sodium nitrate is 1.5-3 times the mass of tungsten hexachloride.

Load the mixed system into the reactor, control the reaction temperature at 180-220°C and the reaction time at 6-12 hours.

After cooling to room temperature at the end of the reaction, the obtained product is washed with water and ethanol, centrifuged and dried to produce powdery white W18O49.



The advantage of solvent thermal method to produce white tungsten oxide is that the surface modification of tungsten oxide by adding sodium nitrate to get white tungsten oxide, and the production is simple and easy.


Second, chemical method

Chemical method is a broad production method, including a variety of specific chemical reaction processes. In addition to the solvent heat method mentioned above, other chemical methods can be used to prepare white tungsten oxide, such as redox method, precipitation method and so on. These methods usually involve the reaction of tungsten compounds with oxidizing or reducing agents to produce white tungsten oxide by controlling the reaction conditions.


III. Physical Method

Physical methods usually do not involve chemical reactions, but rather the preparation of tungsten oxide films or powders by physical processes (e.g., evaporation, sputtering, etc.). Although the physical method may not be directly used to produce white tungsten oxide powder, it can be used to prepare tungsten oxide films with specific functions, which may appear white or have other special properties under certain conditions.


  1. Biological method

Biological method is an emerging production method that utilizes organisms such as microorganisms or biological enzymes to prepare tungsten oxide. However, the application of biological method in the production of white tungsten oxide is still relatively small, and needs further research and exploration.



When choosing production methods, factors such as availability of raw materials, production cost, product quality and environmental requirements need to be considered. Different production methods may be suitable for different application scenarios and needs, so they need to be selected according to specific circumstances. The preparation process requires strict control of the reaction conditions and operation process to ensure the quality and performance of the product.


There are various production methods for tungsten white oxide, including solvothermal method, chemical method, physical method and biological method. Among them, solvent thermal method is a commonly used production method, which has the advantages of easy and simple production and controllable product quality.

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