What Is Tungsten Needle for Radiotherapy?

Tungsten needle for radiotherapy is a radiotherapy technique in which a tungsten needle is inserted into the patient’s body to release radioactive isotopes for localized treatment of tumors. This is a form of internal radiation therapy (brachytherapy) in which tungsten needles are placed directly into or near the tumor tissue to achieve precise localized release of radioactive agents.

Here are some of the key features and applications of tungsten needle radiation therapy:

1. Local treatment: Tungsten needle is designed to provide local radioactive agents to treat tumors in specific locations. This approach helps minimize radiation damage to surrounding normal tissue.

2. High Density: The high density of tungsten gives the tungsten needle a clear edge in imaging and treatment planning, helping to pinpoint the location of radioactive isotopes.

3. Punctureability: Tungsten needles can be designed to puncture tumor tissue, allowing radioactive isotopes to be released directly into the tumor site.

4. High melting point: Due to the higher temperatures involved in radiation therapy, tungsten’s high melting point enables it to maintain structural stability under these conditions.

5. Tumor treatment: Tungsten needle is mainly used for tumor treatment. By inserting these tungsten needles into tumor tissue, radiation can be released locally to kill tumor cells to reduce or control tumor growth.

This internal irradiation technique is typically performed by a doctor in an operating room or radiation therapy room, using imaging technology to ensure that the tungsten needle is accurately placed. Tungsten needle can be used for a variety of cancer types, including prostate cancer, breast cancer, and more. One of the advantages of this treatment method is that it can deliver high doses of radiation into the tumor while minimizing damage to surrounding normal tissue.

More details of tungsten needles, please visit website: http://tungsten.com.cn/tungsten-needles-and-pins.html

Please contact CHINATUNGSTEN for inquiry and order of tungsten needles:

Email: sales@chinatungsten.com

Tel.: +86 592 5129595