How Is Molybdenum Found?

The discovery of molybdenum can be traced back to ancient times.

According to historical records, the Shang Dynasty of China (1600 BC to 1046 BC) has already recorded the use of molybdenum-containing minerals, such as the “Gong Hu” (a kind of bronze ware) unearthed in the Shang Dynasty contains molybdenum.

According to European historical records, in the 17th century, the Swedish chemist Rudolf Bernadotte (Rudolf Erich Raspe) discovered a mineral in a lead mine in Halle, Germany. The blue flame, and called it the “blue flame in lead” (Blaufeuer im Blei). Later, after further research, it was found that the mineral contained molybdenum.

In 1827, Swedish chemist Peter Jacob Hjelm obtained pure molybdenum by reducing molybdenum trioxide, thus confirming the existence and properties of molybdenum.

The mining and application of modern molybdenum mainly originated at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, and the application fields of molybdenum are also expanding and expanding.

More details of molybdenum or molybdenum products, please visit website:

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