What Is the Difference Between a Diffused Barium Tungsten Cathode and a Common Cathode?

There are significant differences between diffused barium tungsten cathodes and common cathodes, mainly in the following aspects:

Working principle

The diffused barium tungsten cathode uses the porous characteristics of the tungsten matrix to store active substances (mainly barium salts) in the tungsten sponge. Under working conditions, the salt reacts with the tungsten matrix, and the reduced free barium diffuses along the pores to the cathode surface to form a stable emission. The working principle of a common cathode may vary depending on the specific type, but usually does not involve a similar active substance diffusion process.

Performance characteristics

The diffused barium tungsten cathode has a high emission current density, good emission stability, and uniformity of emitted electrons. It can operate stably for a long time at high temperatures and can adapt to different operating voltages and current densities. In contrast, the performance of ordinary cathodes may vary depending on the material and preparation process, but usually cannot reach the high performance level of diffused barium tungsten cathodes.

Application scenarios

Due to the excellent performance of the diffused barium tungsten cathode, it is often used in vacuum electronic devices that require high-performance electron emission, such as microwave vacuum electronic devices, high-power electron beam equipment, and displays. Ordinary cathodes may be more widely used in various electronic devices and circuits, but their application scenarios usually have lower requirements for electron emission performance.

Preparation process

The preparation process of diffused barium tungsten cathodes is relatively complex, requiring precise control of parameters such as material ratio, temperature and time during the preparation process. The preparation process of ordinary cathodes may vary depending on the specific type and material, but usually does not require such strict control.

More details of tungsten barium electrode or tungsten barium cathode, please visit website: http://tungsten.com.cn/barium-tungsten-cathode.html

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