How Is Research Progress of Ammonium Metatungstate?

The research progress of ammonium metatungstate is mainly reflected in its preparation technology, application fields and environmental friendliness. The following is a clear summary of the research progress in these aspects:


Research progress of preparation technology

Diversification of preparation methods

The preparation technology of ammonium metatungstate has been diversified, including solvent extraction, ion exchange, neutralization, electrodialysis, nanofiltration, etc. These methods have their own characteristics and can be selected according to the different needs of raw materials and products.

Optimization of preparation conditions

During the preparation process, the preparation conditions are optimized by controlling thermal decomposition, adding additives, adjusting the pH value of the solution, etc., and the purity and production efficiency of the product are improved. For example, by adding strong acidic cationic resin during thermal degradation, residual impurities are effectively reduced and product purity is improved.


Development of new technologies

In recent years, with the advancement of science and technology, some new technologies have also been applied to the preparation of ammonium metatungstate, such as microwave method and ultrasonic method. These new technologies can shorten the preparation time, reduce energy consumption and improve product quality.


Research progress in application fields

Petrochemical catalysts

Ammonium metatungstate is the main raw material for tungsten-based catalysts in refineries, and plays an important role in improving the quality and output of petroleum products. With the continuous development of the petrochemical industry, the demand for ammonium metatungstate is also increasing.


New materials field

The application of ammonium metatungstate in the field of new materials is also expanding, such as for the preparation of nanomaterials, optoelectronic materials, etc. These new materials have unique physical and chemical properties and have broad application prospects in energy, environmental protection and other fields.


Other fields

In addition, ammonium metatungstate is also used in the manufacture of fireproof fabrics, ceramic glazes and other fields. With the continuous advancement of technology and the expansion of application fields, the market demand for ammonium metatungstate will continue to grow.


Research progress in environmental friendliness

Wastewater treatment

In response to the wastewater problem generated in the production process of ammonium metatungstate, researchers have developed a variety of wastewater treatment technologies, such as neutralization precipitation, ion exchange, membrane separation, etc. These technologies can effectively remove harmful substances in wastewater and reduce pollution to the environment.


Waste gas treatment

In response to the waste gas problem generated in the production process of ammonium metatungstate, researchers have also conducted in-depth research and proposed a variety of waste gas treatment solutions. These solutions include catalytic conversion, adsorption, washing, etc., which can effectively reduce the content of harmful substances in exhaust gas.


Green preparation technology

In order to reduce energy consumption and emissions in the production process of ammonium metatungstate, researchers are also committed to developing green preparation technologies. These technologies include the use of clean energy, optimization of preparation processes, and improvement of raw material utilization, aiming to achieve green production of ammonium metatungstate.


In summary, the research progress of ammonium metatungstate has achieved remarkable results in preparation technology, application fields, and environmental friendliness. With the continuous advancement of science and technology and the improvement of environmental awareness, the research on ammonium metatungstate in the future will pay more attention to green, environmental protection and sustainable development.

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