How Do Tungsten Zirconium Probes Work in Radiotherapy?

Tungsten zirconium probes can play an important role in radiotherapy. Radiotherapy is a treatment method that uses high-energy rays to precisely irradiate tumors to kill tumor cells. However, accurate tumor location and shape are crucial to the effectiveness of radiotherapy.

Tungsten zirconium probes can be inserted into the tumor site to provide doctors with accurate information about the location and shape of the tumor. By using tungsten zirconium probes, doctors can more accurately determine the extent and shape of the tumor, thereby formulating a more precise radiotherapy plan.

During radiotherapy, tungsten zirconium probes can also be used as reference points to help doctors ensure the precision and accuracy of radiotherapy. Because tungsten zirconium probes have high strength and hardness and can remain stable during radiotherapy, they can be used as reliable reference points to ensure that tumors are accurately irradiated while reducing damage to surrounding normal tissues.

In summary, tungsten zirconium probes can provide accurate tumor location and shape information in radiotherapy, and serve as reliable reference points to help doctors formulate more precise radiotherapy plans, thereby improving treatment effectiveness and reducing side effects.

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