How is the Environmental Friendliness of Ammonium Metatungstate?

The environmental friendliness of Ammonium Metatungstate has the following aspects.


Environmental Impact

Raw materials and products

Ammonium metatungstate itself is a kind of inorganic compound, and its raw materials and the main substances involved in the production process are mostly inorganic. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the production and use of ammonium metatungstate has relatively little direct impact on the environment.

Production process

The production process of ammonium metatungstate may produce some waste water, waste gas and solid waste. The way of treating these wastes and the effect of treating them will directly affect their environmental protection. For example, if wastewater is discharged directly without treatment, it may pollute the water body; the emission of waste gas may also affect the air quality.


Environmental Protection Measures and Effects

Environmental Protection Facilities

Some advanced production enterprises will adopt environmental protection facilities to treat wastewater, waste gas and solid waste. For example, additional one-stage ammonia absorption towers are installed, the hydrogen sulfide absorption system is upgraded to a six-stage one, and a new MVR evaporation system is added to evaporate and treat all production wastewater. These measures can effectively reduce the emission of pollutants and improve environmental friendliness.

Raw material optimization

Some enterprises will adjust the source and structure of raw materials and use scheelite concentrates with lower arsenic and other harmful elements as raw materials, thus reducing the risk of environmental pollution in the production process.

Waste treatment

Used ammonium metatungstate needs to be stored in specialized containers to avoid contact with other substances. Before the waste is disposed of, it should be classified and labeled, and the relevant regulations should be followed. This helps to minimize the impact of waste on the environment.


Safety and Protection

Although ammonium metatungstate is an inorganic compound, it may still cause some harm to human health. Therefore, strict safety measures are required when using and storing ammonium metatungstate. For example, wear protective equipment such as protective gloves, masks, goggles, etc. to avoid direct contact with ammonium metatungstate; store ammonium metatungstate in a dry, well-ventilated place away from sources of ignition and hazardous substances; and read the safety data sheets and labels carefully before operation. These measures can reduce the risk of accidents and guarantee the safety of personnel.


To summarize, the environmental protection of ammonium metatungstate depends on the pollution control and treatment measures in its production process. By adopting environmentally friendly facilities, optimizing the structure of raw materials, strictly treating wastes and strengthening safety protection and other measures, the negative impact of ammonium metatungstate production and use on the environment can be effectively reduced. At the same time, enterprises should also comply with relevant environmental protection regulations and standards, strengthen internal management and supervision, and ensure the effective implementation of environmental protection measures.

More details of ammonium metatungstate product, please visit website:
Please contact CHINATUNGSTEN for inquiry and order of ammonium metatungstate:
Tel.: 86 592 5129595