What are the Regulations on the Production and Use of Ammonium Metatungstate?

Regarding the regulations on the production and use of ammonium metatungstate, there are different standards and regulations both at home and abroad.


Domestic regulations

Catalog of Dangerous Chemicals (GB 12268-2012)

According to this catalog, ammonium metatungstate does not belong to dangerous chemicals in the strict sense, but belongs to general chemicals.

This means that in the process of production, storage, transportation and use, the management regulations of general chemicals need to be followed.


Work Safety Law

General regulations involving the production and use of chemicals require enterprises to ensure safe production and prevent accidents.

For the production and use of ammonium metatungstate, enterprises need to ensure compliance with production safety standards and take necessary safety measures.


Law on Environmental Protection

Requires enterprises to take environmental protection measures in the production process and reduce the emission of pollutants.

For the production and use of ammonium metatungstate, enterprises need to ensure that waste disposal meets environmental protection requirements and prevent pollution to the environment.


Industry Standard

The production and use of ammonium metatungstate may also be bound by relevant industry standards, such as GBT 26033_Standard Specification for Ammonium Metatungstate.

These standards stipulate the quality requirements, production methods, testing methods and other aspects of ammonium metatungstate.


Foreign regulations

Hazardous chemicals management regulations

Different countries and regions have regulations for the management of hazardous chemicals. Although ammonium metatungstate is not regarded as a hazardous chemical in the strict sense in most places, it still needs to follow the requirements of relevant regulations.


Environmental protection regulations

Similar to domestic and foreign countries, there are strict environmental protection laws and regulations requiring enterprises to take environmental protection measures in the production process to reduce the emission of pollutants.


Occupational Health and Safety

Enterprises are required to ensure the safety and health of their employees during the production process, including the provision of necessary protective equipment and safety training.


International Trade Regulations

If Ammonium Metatungstate involves in international trade, it is also required to follow relevant international trade regulations, such as WTO rules, bilateral or multilateral trade agreements, etc.


For the production and use of ammonium metatungstate, there are corresponding regulations and standards at home and abroad. Enterprises need to understand and comply with these regulations and standards to ensure the compliance and safety of the production process. At the same time, with the continuous updating and improvement of regulations, enterprises also need to pay attention to and adapt to these changes in time.

More details of ammonium metatungstate product, please visit website: http://ammonium-metatungstate.com/
Please contact CHINATUNGSTEN for inquiry and order of ammonium metatungstate:
Email: sales@chinatungsten.com
Tel.: 86 592 5129595