What is the Price of Ammonium Metatungstate?

The price of a customized Ammonium Metatungstate for sale by CTIA GROUP LTD is RMB 320/kg (price terms: regular iron drum packaging, RMB prepaid, tax included, delivered in Xiamen).

The price of Ammonium Metatungstate varies by supplier, purity, brand, region and other factors. The price of Ammonium Metatungstate varies according to various factors, but it is generally higher than other tungsten chemicals such as Ammonium paratungstate, tungstic acid and sodium tungstate under the same delivery terms. About the price of Ammonium Flake Tungstate, you can get it at any time by contacting CTIA GROUP LTD The actual price may change due to market fluctuation, supply and demand and other factors. If you are willing to purchase, please contact CTIA GROUP LTD directly to get the latest quotation and high quality products.

More details of ammonium metatungstate product, please visit website: http://ammonium-metatungstate.com/
Please contact CHINATUNGSTEN for inquiry and order of ammonium metatungstate:
Email: sales@chinatungsten.com
Tel.: 86 592 5129595