Is Cesium Tungsten Bronze Powder Insulation Material Transparent?

Infrared insulation material cesium tungsten oxide (Cs0.33WO3), also known as cesium tungsten bronze, tungsten bronze, cesium tungsten for short. Cesium tungsten bronze, very fine particles, such as nano-cesium tungsten bronze powder and antimony tin oxide (mid-infrared absorption infrared 1500nm) are used together, dispersed into a stable nano-slurry and added to the coating, which can be made transparent and has Transparent heat-insulating coatings with excellent infrared blocking ability, and then produce transparent heat-insulating and anti-infrared glass and other products through coating technology.

Nano-cesium tungsten bronze powder SS-CW20 is an inorganic nano-material with good near-infrared absorption effect, with uniform particles and good dispersion. It is a functional material with strong absorption in the near-infrared region (wavelength 800-1200nm) and high transmittance in the visible light region (wavelength 380-780nm). The visible light transmittance of the thin film prepared by cesium tungsten bronze powder paste is over 71%, and the infrared light (800-2500nm) transmittance is over 13.5%.

More details of cesium tungsten bronze product, please visit website:
Please contact CHINATUNGSTEN for inquiry and order of cesium tungsten bronze:
Tel.: 86 592 5129595