How Is the Corrosion Resistance of Tungsten Wire for Textiles Weaving Gloves?

The corrosion resistance of tungsten wire for textiles weaving gloves is as follows:

Corrosion resistance characteristics

Excellent high temperature oxidation resistance:

Tungsten has excellent high temperature oxidation resistance and can resist oxidation at high temperatures, especially in the presence of oxygen in the atmosphere. However, when the temperature exceeds a certain threshold (for example, above 3000°C), tungsten may begin to oxidize.

Limited chemical corrosion resistance:

Tungsten has relatively poor corrosion resistance to a variety of acids (such as hydrofluoric acid, sulfuric acid, and hydrochloric acid). Tungsten may gradually corrode in these acidic environments, especially under high temperature conditions.

Tungsten has good corrosion resistance to alkaline environments, especially in alkaline solutions such as high concentrations of sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide.

Resistance to hydrogen corrosion:

Tungsten has high corrosion resistance in hydrogen environments. It is very resistant to hydrogen corrosion, which makes tungsten wire perform well in some special applications, such as high temperature applications in hydrogen atmospheres.

Corrosion-resistant coating:

In some applications, tungsten wire may be coated with an anti-corrosion layer (such as molybdenum or chromium layer) to improve its corrosion resistance in specific environments. These coatings can effectively prevent the corrosive medium from directly contacting the tungsten wire body, thereby improving its overall corrosion resistance.


High temperature environment: In high temperature environments, the corrosion resistance of tungsten wire makes it suitable for heating elements and high temperature resistant braiding materials.

Chemical processing: Although tungsten performs poorly in some chemical environments, protective measures can be taken in the design to adapt to specific corrosive environments.

Hydrogen application: In applications with media such as hydrogen or hydrofluoric acid, the corrosion resistance of tungsten wire is particularly outstanding and can maintain stability for a long time.

More details of tungsten wires, please visit website:

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