What are the Uses of Tungsten Oxide Nanoparticles?

Tungsten oxide nanoparticles have a wide range of applications due to their unique physicochemical properties. The following are some of the major uses of tungsten oxide nanoparticles:


  1. Catalyst and catalytic conversion

Gas scavenging and organic synthesis

With excellent catalytic activity and selectivity, tungsten oxide nanoparticles are widely used in catalytic reactions such as gas scavenging and organic synthesis.


Due to its special optical properties, nano-tungsten oxide can be used in environmental and energy fields such as photolysis of water to produce hydrogen, photocatalytic oxidation of hazardous substances and photocatalytic carbon dioxide conversion.


As the main catalyst or auxiliary catalyst in petrochemical industry, tungsten oxide nanoparticles show good catalytic performance in many reactions, such as hydrogenation and dehydrogenation, oxidation, isomerization of hydrocarbons and alkylation.


  1. Electronic devices

Electrochromic windows and smart windows

Tungsten oxide nanoparticles are used in the production of electrochromic and smart windows, whose light transmission properties can be varied according to the applied voltage, allowing the user to adjust the tint of the window as needed.


The excellent photoelectric properties of tungsten oxide nanoparticles make them ideal for use as sensor materials to detect pollutant concentrations and harmful gases in the environment.

Battery Materials

Tungsten oxide nanoparticles have potential applications in energy batteries such as lithium-ion batteries, where their unique nanostructures help to increase conductivity and lithium ion diffusion rates, allowing the batteries to charge and discharge faster.


  1. Pigments and colorants

Ceramics and paints

Due to its abundant yellow element, tungsten oxide nanoparticles are used as pigments in ceramics and paints.

Advanced Pigments

Nano tungsten oxide can also be used as advanced pigments for the creation of artwork such as oil and watercolor.


  1. Thermal insulation and fireproof materials

Thermal insulation materials

Cesium-doped tungsten oxide (e.g. Cs0.33WO3) has extraordinary thermal insulation properties and is a new type of nano thermal insulation material.

Fireproof fabrics

Nano tungsten oxide is also used in the manufacture of fireproof fabrics to improve the fire resistance of the fabrics.


  1. Medical and biological applications

Drug delivery and controlled release systems

Tungsten oxide nanoparticles can be used in medicine as drug carriers and controlled release systems for targeted delivery and slow release of drugs.


The biocompatibility and bioactivity of tungsten oxide nanoparticles enable them to be used in the field of biosensing, such as detecting biological molecules and cells.


  1. Other Applications

X-ray shielding

Tungsten oxide nanoparticles are used as phosphors for industrial X-ray screens and as X-ray shielding materials.

Tungsten Carbide Production

Nano tungsten oxide is an important raw material for the production of metallic tungsten powder and tungsten carbide powder, which in turn is used in the manufacture of cemented carbide, cutting tools, super-hard molds and so on.


In summary, tungsten oxide nanopowders have a wide range of applications in catalysts, electronic devices, pigments, thermal insulation materials, medical and biological applications, and many other fields. With the continuous development of science and technology, the application fields of tungsten oxide nanoparticles will continue to expand and deepen.

More details of tungsten oxide product, please visit website: tungsten-oxide.com
Please contact CHINATUNGSTEN for inquiry and order of tungsten oxide:
Email: sales@chinatungsten.com
Tel.: 86 592 5129595