How to Prepare Tungsten Dichloride?

There are two ways to prepare tungsten dichloride:

One is that it can be produced by reducing tungsten hexachloride with aluminum in the melt of sodium tetrachloroaluminate; the other is that it can be produced by the disproportionation reaction of tungsten tetrachloride at 400-450°C. Reactions were performed in vacuum-sealed borosilicate glass tubes. Put tungsten tetrachloride into one end of the tube, heat the part to 450-500°C, and keep the other end at room temperature. As the reaction progresses, tungsten pentachloride can condense on the cold end of the tube, thereby separating tungsten dichloride. Reaction equation: 3WCl4(s)→WCl2(s)+2WCl5(g).

There are compounds such as tungsten dichloride in the tungsten-chlorine-oxygen system. The higher the oxygen position in the system, the higher the WO2Cl2 content in the mixed steam. To obtain tungsten dichloride, the oxygen position of the system must be reduced to ensure sufficient Restore the atmosphere. Therefore, when scheelite or wolframite is chlorinated, carbon is often added as a reducing agent.

It should be noted that safety measures should be taken during the preparation of tungsten dichloride, because it involves a high temperature and high pressure environment, protective measures such as glasses and gloves should be worn during operation, and contact with skin and inhalation of smog are strictly prohibited.

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