What Is The Single Crystal Structure of Tungsten Oxide?

The single crystal structure of tungsten oxide (WO3) is composed of tungsten atoms (W) and oxygen atoms (O) arranged in a certain lattice. It belongs to the hexagonal crystal system (also known as the trigonal crystal system), and the crystal structure is composed of close-packed oxygen atoms with tungsten atoms filling the interstices. The single crystal structure of tungsten oxide exhibits regular lattice arrangement and crystal plane orientation. This single crystal structure has an important impact on the optical, electrical and catalytic properties of tungsten oxide, and also provides a basis for research and application. Specifically, the single crystal structure of tungsten oxide has the following characteristics:

Single crystal tungsten oxide unit cell structure

The unit cell structure of tungsten oxide is a hexagonal closest-packed (HCP) structure, and the atomic arrangement in the unit cell is in a hexagonal close-packed mode.

Single Crystal Tungsten Oxide Lattice Parameters

The lattice parameters of tungsten oxide determine the size and shape of the crystals. In single crystal form, the lattice constants of tungsten oxide are about a = 7.317 Å and c = 7.336 Å.

Single Crystal Tungsten Oxide Crystal Plane Orientation

The single crystal of tungsten oxide has different crystal plane orientations, among which the most common crystal plane orientations are (001), (010) and (100). Different crystal plane orientations determine the properties and reactivity of crystals.

Single Crystal Tungsten Oxide Atomic Arrangement

In the single crystal structure of tungsten oxide, tungsten atoms and oxygen atoms are arranged according to certain rules. Six oxygen atoms form octahedral coordination around each tungsten atom, and four tungsten atoms form tetrahedral coordination around each oxygen atom.

More details of tungsten oxide product, please visit website: tungsten-oxide.com
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