What Is the Purity of Molybdenum Rod?

The purity of molybdenum rod can vary depending on specific applications and requirements. Generally speaking, the purity of molybdenum rods can be divided into the following levels:

Industrial grade molybdenum (Industrial Grade): The purity of industrial grade molybdenum is usually above 99%. This grade of molybdenum rod is suitable for some applications that require relatively low purity, such as some routine machining, welding and partial heat treatment.

Electronic Grade Molybdenum (Electronic Grade): The purity requirement of electronic grade molybdenum is higher, usually above 99.95%. This grade of molybdenum rod is suitable for applications requiring high purity such as electronics, semiconductor manufacturing, and vacuum equipment.

High-purity molybdenum (High Purity Grade): The purity of high-purity molybdenum can reach more than 99.99%. This grade of molybdenum rod is usually used in special fields, such as optical coating, ultra-high vacuum equipment, nuclear industry, etc.

More details of molybdenum or molybdenum alloy products, please visit website: http://molybdenum-alloy.com/index.html

Please contact CHINATUNGSTEN for inquiry and order of molybdenum alloy products:

Email: sales@chinatungsten.com

Tel.: +86 592 5129595