Difference in Crystal Structure between Tetrabromotungsten and Tungsten Dibromide

There are crystal structure differences between tetrabromotungsten (WBr4) and dibromotungsten (WBr2). The details are as follows:

Crystal structure of tetrabromotungsten: The crystal structure of tetrabromotungsten belongs to the orthorhombic crystal system. Its space group is Pnma, in which tungsten atoms form a tetrahedral structure with the surrounding bromine atoms.

Crystal structure of tungsten dibromide: The crystal structure of tungsten dibromide can have two types, depending on factors such as temperature and pressure.

At room temperature, the crystal structure of tungsten dibromide belongs to the orthorhombic crystal system. It also has the space group Pnma, in which the tungsten atoms form an octahedral structure with the surrounding bromine atoms.

At high temperatures and pressures, the crystal structure of tungsten bromide may undergo a phase transition to a hexagonal crystal system. At this time, it has a space group of P63/mmc, in which the tungsten atoms form a hexahedral structure with the surrounding bromine atoms.

More details of tungsten bromide product, please visit website: http://www.tungsten-oxide.com/
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