Ammonium Metatungstate Production Process

Ammonium metatungstate (AMT) is typically produced from tungsten ores or concentrates using a multi-step process. Here are the general steps involved in the production of AMT:

Tungsten concentrate processing: The first step is to extract tungsten from the ore or concentrate. This is typically done by crushing, grinding, and then separating the tungsten from other minerals and impurities using techniques such as gravity separation, flotation, or magnetic separation.

Digestion: The tungsten concentrate is then mixed with ammonium hydroxide to form ammonium tungstate (AT). This is typically done in a large vessel under controlled temperature and pressure conditions.

Purification: The AT solution is then purified using techniques such as solvent extraction or ion exchange to remove impurities such as molybdenum, iron, and phosphorus.

Crystallization: The purified AT solution is then heated to precipitate AMT crystals. The crystals are then washed, dried, and packaged for shipment.

The specific details of the production process may vary depending on the specific ore or concentrate being used and the desired purity of the final product. Additionally, there may be additional steps involved in the production of other tungsten compounds, such as tungsten oxide or tungsten powder, from AMT. It is also important to note that the production of AMT can be a hazardous process and should only be done under controlled conditions by trained professionals.