What are the disadvantages of producing tungsten alloy plates by powder metallurgy?

The disadvantages of producing tungsten alloy plates by powder metallurgy mainly include the following points:

1. High production cost: The production of tungsten alloy plates by powder metallurgy requires multiple processing steps, and the production cost is relatively high.

2. Difficulty in sintering: Tungsten alloy plates are made by sintering tungsten powder and alloy element powder. During the sintering process, multiple factors such as sintering temperature, time, and atmosphere need to be controlled, making sintering difficult.

3. The size of the plate is limited: the size of the tungsten alloy plate produced by the powder metallurgy method is limited, and it cannot produce large-size plates.

4. High requirements for raw materials: The production of tungsten alloy plates by powder metallurgy requires the selection of high-purity tungsten powder and alloy element powder. The selection and quality of raw materials have a great impact on the performance of the final product.

5. Uneven product density: The density of tungsten alloy plates produced by powder metallurgy is uneven, and subsequent heat treatment and processing techniques are required to obtain products that meet the requirements.

To sum up, the disadvantages of producing tungsten alloy plates by powder metallurgy are mainly high production costs, difficult sintering, limited plate size, high requirements for raw materials, and uneven product density.

More details of tungstate product, please visit website: http://www.tungsten-alloy.com/index.htm
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