What Are Other Common Types of Defects in Cemented Carbide?

There are other common types of defects in carbide, including:

  1. Peeling: Carbide with peeling defects is prone to cracking and powdering. The main reason for peeling is the contact effect of cobalt in the briquette, which causes the carbon-containing gas to decompose free carbon, resulting in a decrease in the local strength of the briquette.
  2. Voids: Voids refer to pores with a size exceeding 40 microns. The main reason for the generation of holes is the presence of impurities in the sintered body that are not wettable by the molten metal or the existence of severe segregation of the solid phase and the liquid phase.
  3. Bubbles: It will cause convex curved surfaces on the surface of the cemented carbide, thereby reducing the performance of the product. The main reason for the generation of bubbles is the accumulation of air in the sintered body. During the sintering shrinkage process, the sintered body appears in a liquid phase and becomes densified, which causes the air to be unable to be discharged, thereby forming bubbles on the surface of the sintered body with the least resistance.
  4. Deformation: Common cemented carbide deformation phenomena include blistering and concavity. The main reasons for deformation are uneven density distribution of the briquettes, severe local lack of carbon in the sintered body, unreasonable boat loading, and uneven backing plates.
  5. Black heart: Black heart refers to the loose tissue on the fracture surface of the alloy. The main reason for black core is that the carbon content is too low or too high.
  6. Cracks: It is a relatively common phenomenon during the sintering process of cemented carbide. The main reasons for cracks are that the pressure relaxation does not show immediately when the compact is drying, the elasticity recovers quickly during sintering, the compact is partially severely oxidized when drying, and the thermal expansion of the oxidized part is different from that of the unoxidized part.

The above content is for reference only. If you need more information, it is recommended to consult professionals in the cemented carbide field.

More details of tungsten carbide product, please visit website: http://tungsten-carbide.com.cn/
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