The Output of Jiangxi Rare Earth Magnetic Materials Will Increase by 15% from January to May 2023

From January to May 2023, the added value of industries above designated size in Jiangxi Province increased by 0.6% year-on-year.

In terms of economic types, state-owned holding enterprises increased by 4.9 percent; joint-stock enterprises increased by 1.0 percent; foreign and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan-invested enterprises decreased by 3.8 percent; private enterprises decreased by 5.0 percent. In terms of industries, 17 of the 38 industries achieved growth, with a growth rate of 44.7%, an increase of 7.9 percentage points over the first four months, of which chemical raw materials and chemical products manufacturing, non-ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing, electrical machinery and Equipment manufacturing, ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing increased by 11.6%, 7.4%, 7.2% and 4.7% respectively.

Among them, new products grew rapidly, and the output of solar cells, integrated circuits, and rare earth magnetic materials increased by 104.5%, 40.9%, and 15.1% respectively. Transformation and upgrading continued to advance. The added value of the new energy industry increased by 37.1%, and the added value of strategic emerging industries and equipment manufacturing increased by 4.6% and 4.7% respectively.

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